Today we made a Christmas Countdown Paper Chain. I remember making these when I was little, my sister and I just loved ripping the links off each day.
Supplies needed:
2 pieces each of Red, green & white paper
Tape or a stapler

Cut 4 strips, longways, out of each piece of paper, except for one piece, cut out 5 strips. You need 8 strips of 2 colors and 9 strips of the third color to add up to 25 strips (one for each day, December 1-25).

Now all you do is make a loop with one strip and tape (or staple) it closed. Put the next strip through the loop and tape it closed and continue adding loops until all the strips are used up. Easy as pie!
If your little one is too young to cut and tape/staple, you will have to do that part. But this is a great activity for teaching toddlers the colors. I asked Jimmy to hand me each strip by color as I needed it. I rotated them green, red, white, green, red, white, etc.

Help your little one count down to Christmas (starting today) by removing one link from the chain each day. Have fun!