I had my ultrasound today! I am about 20 weeks and 5 days along, with a due date of July the 9th. In the ultrasound the baby measured a little bigger with a due date of July 7. So we will see! We did not find out the gender, we like the suspense lol. Actually, I am planning on trying to have this baby all natural just like I did with little Jimmy and having the surprise of whether it is a girl or a boy is something I can focus on during labor. It gives me something to work towards (you know, besides getting the baby out! hehe). And we really don't care if its a boy or a girl as long as he/she is healthy! Doesn't make a difference to us one way or the other. Though I will admit (have I already?) that I would love to have a girl this time around, Jimmy would be so sweet with a little sister and I am actually itching for some pink! Did I really just say that?? Eeesh. And I have a name in mind for a girl, but no clue for a boy (ok I do like a name for a boy, but Jim is not too excited about it...maybe I can get him to change his mind...)!
Everything seemed to go well, we got to see all 4 chambers of the heart, kidneys, all the arms and legs are accounted for and the nostrils and lips look good =D. The placenta is anterior and it was not too low. With Jimmy it was low so I had to get another ultrasound around 32-34 weeks to make sure I didn't have placenta previa (which I didn't) so it looks good to go this time. Alright, so without further ado, here is our little sweetie:
I had to include a face shot, but I have to be honest, they always creep me out. Too alien-ish for me! But I love that face nonetheless! =) My next dr. appointment is on the 8th so look for another update and a baby bump pic around then. Have a great night!
Spring has Sprung!
Lots of new happenings on the farm this week. Our new ducklings are on
their way today! They should arrive by Wednesday. I ordered Indian runner
ducks, blu...
9 years ago