Friday, October 1, 2010

Tot School - Letter L

Tot School 

Jimmy is 32 months old 

Boy, am I late getting this posted!!!

Here is what we did for letter L last week:

Letter L on

We did the letter L tracing sheet from Confessions of a Homeschooler.

The Letter L Lion on the Totally Tots website

A Leaf Garland like the one on No Time For Flashcards.

We read a few books:

We made a letter L tree with leaves on it.

Some things we did that have nothing to do with letter L:

A neat Tracing Placemat inspired by the ones on No Time for Flash Cards.

And shape matching using Carisa's shape tracers printable.

Shew, that about covers it! Sorry this was sooo late! Letter M will be up in a few days, hopefully!

Make sure you head over and check out the other Tot School posts for the week at 1+1+1=1