Thursday, January 20, 2011

Then he turned 3...

 Today was Jimmy's 3rd birthday!! I can't believe it! It seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital, all tiny in his car seat, too small for his Winnie the Pooh bunting. Now he is a rambunctious toddler, learning how to use the big boy potty and starting to ask "Why" about everything. He is such a sweet little boy, I wouldn't trade him for the world. He has a slight obsession with a certain blue talking train...and mommy and daddy did not disappoint with his presents. I found this awesome Mega Blok set at Christmastime on for $14.99 so I HAD to buy it. It was hard, but I kept it aside for Jimmy's birthday, even though I wanted to give it to him at Christmas! Glad I did, because it was a hit! Here is a photo of it all set up and Jimmy & daddy having fun with it:

We are having a tiny get together for Jimmy with my dad and Kathy and my brother, sister-in-law and nephews on Saturday (which is actually MY birthday!) so I will have more pics and one of Jimmy's Thomas cake that I am making later. And then we are having a little party at Jim's parents' house on Sunday, so I may have MORE pics for ya ;-)

Happy Birthday Jimmy!