So I have been after Jim for a long time to let me get chickens, but he has resisted. Then one day a few weeks ago he came home from his buddy's house going on about his new ducks and how they just followed his buddy around and how funny they were. Well, that got the ball rolling and once our boys started asking for baby ducks every time we went to our local farm supply store, Jim and I decided to give in and we are now officially the owners of 4 cute little ducklings! If all goes well and we decide to add to our little flock I will order some online so I know if we are getting males or females. And so I know what breed they are. I will be honest, I didn't exactly do my homework about the different breeds and what the different ducklings look like so we went in just knowing I wanted some Indian runner ducks. Well....the guy working gave me what he said was 2 runners and the boys picked out 2 khaki Campbells, but upon further research when we got home, I believe we have 2 blue Swedish and 2 black Swedish ducks. Which is fine, I will get my runner ducks another time ;-) here is a pic of the little guys (or hopefully girls!). I can't wait until they get bigger and - if any are females - we start getting eggs!