Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thankful Thursday - Flylady

I am Thankful for Flylady! I know I have been talking about her a lot lately, but it is for good reason!! =) I have really buckled down this week, since my Flylady post last week on Works for Me Wednesday (and the one for this week, I shined my sink!), and I feel so much better! I had been doing pretty well with it for a while, but then I got lazy and unmotivated. I just didn't want to do anything! But thanks to my fellow Flybabies and the daily emails, I made myself DO it! I have kept up with the dishes, laundry and daily missions and am now starting to declutter again. I actually LIKE doing the dishes a couple at a time, as they get dirty instead of after there is a huge mountain of nasty, greasy plates and bowls in the sink.

Thanks Flylady, you are just what the doctor ordered! Before you, when I had a brand new baby, I had no clue how to manage my household AND take care of a baby. But over the last (almost) year you have taught me that babysteps count and if I can just do something a little at a time, I can accomplish huge tasks.

Do you have something to be Thankful for? Let everyone know about it! Just enter your name or name of your blog and add the link to your specific Thankful Thursday post (not your blog's homepage please!) Also, please add the Thankful Thursday logo or link to my blog in your post. Have fun and thanks for joining me!

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