Monday, March 23, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I am NOT crying for sweet little baby Stellan and his family right now...
Praying for sweet little Stellan, please Lord help the Drs. find out what is wrong and help that sweet little baby boy! Be with his family and give them peace and strength! In your precious, holy name, Amen.

Edit: They know what is wrong now, thank the Lord for that. Please God, help little Stellan's heart rate go down to normal. Guide the Drs. hands and heal that sweet baby boy. Give his family strength and help them keep their eyes on you!

I did NOT get my new (used) camera working this weekend (had to wait for the batteries to come) and I am NOT so utterly in love with it and I definitely did NOT take tons of pics in the last 2 days.

This is NOT one of the pics I took with my camera:

The fact that the camera actually TAKES THE PICTURE when I push the shutter so I can get the pic I want right at the exact moment does NOT totally make me happy! Otherwise the above pic would NOT come out looking more like this:

(eewww not to mention that the new pics need less color correction!)

I did NOT actually stay off the computer most of the weekend because my sister and her family were visiting, it is NOT amazing!

Little Jimmy did NOT catch his little cousin's cold and he has NOT been using my shirts as random snot rags because I definitely HAVE been remembering to wipe his nose...

I did NOT see my 3 little hyacinths finally peeking through the ground and I did NOT scream YAY! and get all excited that I had 3 little spring flowers popping out =) hubby absolutely did NOT buy me a pink flowering dogwood for a belated anniversary gift yesterday. I would certainly NEVER let him spend $62 on a little tree and it is NOT the cutest little tree you ever did see!


  1. I have also prayed for Stellan, and his Dr's and Family.I pray his parents have that"peace that pass's understanding" during this trying period with their baby..

    Remember, DO NOT have a great Monday!

  2. I'm praying for Stellan, too...

    LOVE the pic with the new (used) camera - I can NOT totally see the difference between the new (used) camera and the old one... ;) I am NOT jealous you got a new dogwood tree, because I am NOT bummed that the painters who painted our house accidentally killed the two we had outside the kitchen and dining room windows - I do NOT want so badly to plant some more because I do NOT love them so... :)
