Thursday, April 9, 2009

Easter Egg Tree

Since my Oma (Grandma) is full German, my mom passed on a lot of German holiday traditions. One of them was the Easter Egg Tree. She and Oma each made one every year. So this year I decided I would do it. They always used blooming Forsythia or Pussy Willow branches, but since my Forsythias are just getting started, and I don't have a Pussy Willow yet, I had to use Maple. Soo....

Here is my Easter Tree. I was a little late putting it together, but I am so glad it is finished. I wasn't sure which direction I wanted to go as far as design/style for decorating the eggs, so I did a plethora of styles. Maybe next year I will go all in one direction or even paint/dye the entire egg, we'll see.All I did was cut 3 small branches from a big fallen Maple branch, then I tied a ribbon around them to keep them together. I stuck them in in my rectangular vase with river rocks in the bottom and green moss on top.

For the eggs, I had started collecting them a couple weeks ago. I just poked holes in both ends with a pin and blew them out for Jimmy's scrambled eggs. I then rinsed the shells and let them dry. Then I pulled the ribbon through with a piece of wire - loop at the top and tied a knot on the bottom. Then I painted them. Easy as pie!

I just found out about the Round Robin event over at "Keeping Up With The Schultz Family"
so I thought I would add this post. So head over and check out all the other blogs!


  1. My gosh, that is really looks like it took a lot of time, the eggs look super cool!

    Happy Easter and... remember... He is Risen!


  2. It would not be easy as pie for me, that I can tell you. I am terrible at painting. Your eggs are gorgeous! Such a clever idea with the tree branch. So pretty.

  3. I really like this idea. You did a wonderful job painting them also. I could only do dots. Nothing that fancy. I just wanted to say Thank you for coming by today. I hope you have a great day.

  4. That is a really fun idea and it turned out beautifully!

    Stopping by from VGNO!


  5. Those eggs are beautiful! Your tree turned out great!
    Thanks for sharing!

  6. Those eggs are just gorgeous! I would really like to try that sometime. I have a sugar egg with a little scene inside and I put that on my blog the other day but I haven't tried to make eggs like you have yet. Next year, can I come over and make them with you?

  7. Those eggs are beautiful!! The egg tree is a great idea. I'm not German, but that would be a good easter project. Thanks for sharing.
    ♥ J

  8. Wow, I hope you if visit me often at my blog I become crafty like you! So cool!

  9. Love that tree! The eggs are beautiful - I had mentioned to the Princess Nagger about blowing out eggs and decorating the egg shells, but we ran out of time to do that, so I think I'll make it an ongoing project over the next year so that next year we'll have some cool eggs to decorate a tree with...Princess Nagger is loving the idea of having decorated/painted eggs that you can keep forever (vs. the dyed eggs that you destroy to eat the hard boiled egg inside...*grin!*)
