Monday, April 20, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama.

I am NOT still praying for Stellan and the MckFamily.

Jimmy is NOT 15 months old today!

I did NOT just realize that I have passed the 100 post mark! Wahoo! My 100th post was on Easter.

I did NOT find out that I do have hypothyroidism on Friday. Boo! Pill everyday for the rest of my life, yikes! Hope I can remember!

I did NOT sell my son's turtle sandbox at the flea market because it didn't have eyes and we thought we were getting one for free that DID have eyes. We did NOT find out that said sandbox with eyes in fact doesn't have eyes and is not the green turtle sandbox, but a wannabe purple and yellow one! Argh! I was NOT very disappointed and now I have to go about trying to find another one second hand for CHEAP. This time it has to have the eyes though!

I do NOT think the above is a little confusing lol!

I did NOT get a sunburn from being out in the sun all day at the flea market on Saturday. I would NEVER NOT put on suntan lotion and my skin on my shoulders does NOT still hurt when my shirt rubs it.

Well, that's it for this week, join me again next week for things that absolutely DID NOT happen to me!


  1. That was to funny! Now you have to go find the sandbox.. you had..with eyes, right??? I am so confused!

    Oh.. and I am so NOT one of your favorite fans!!!

    Remember .. this is Not Me Monday!

    Jan :)

  2. Those green turtle sandboxes have been around for ages! We had one for my daughter when she was little. But I have no idea if it had eyes...

    Happy Monday!

  3. Happy 15 months to Jimmy AND congrats on the 100th post milestone!
    Sorry to hear about the hypothyroidism. :(
