Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thankful Thursday - Stellan Edition

I am so Thankful for little Stellan and his mommy and family. I do not personally know Stellan or his family, I have only just "met" them recently, in the last 2-3 months since I started blogging. But Stellan and his family are amazing. Check out My Charming Kids for more info if you have never "met" Stellan before, but I know most of you at least are aware of him and what he is enduring.

I am Thankful that Stellan had good days Tuesday and Wednesday (in comparison to the days before) and I pray that he/they continue to get better and better.

I am so Thankful that MckMama is so strong through all of this, she has totally given Stellan to God and has put her trust in Him. It is SO rough on her (I can't even begin to try to imagine) watching her little guy be so sick and uncomfortable, and she is only human so has her rough spots. But all in all, she is so full of faith. I am SO Thankful that Stellan has such a wonderful, God-fearing mama. Check out this recent post here. I just LOVE how full of Thankful's it is.

No one knows what will happen to little Stellan, but we do know that we have a God that is good and just and no matter what happens, good will come of this. It already has actually. Just look at all the people Stellan is touching with his story. Hearts are being worked on as we speak.

Now, Lord, just please heal Stellan's little heart, if it is Your will! Please be with McMama as she is trying to just make it through all of this. Please continue to give her strength and hope. Help her rest when she has the opportunity, give her peace Lord. And be with the rest of the family through all of this as well, they all need your comfort. Thank you for your love and mercy, without you, there would be no hope. Amen

Here is a great slideshow that MckMama has posted on her blog. Get your tissues! How Great is Our God

If you have a "Thankful for Stellan" type post you would like to include, please join in and sign the Mr. Linky below and link back to my blog. Let's continue to let everyone know just how special this little guy is!


  1. Oh I'm glad he's starting to feel better!

  2. for sure get your tissues..I held it together all week until I saw that video! I began following her back in August I think...

  3. I did see he had a good morning...did you get the twitter about the hotel! God is AWESOME and has His ways of providing!
