Monday, May 4, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I am NOT so excited that Stellan is finally home!

I am NOT excited that Not Me! Monday is back =)

I did NOT start a bird photography blog in memory of my mom. You can NOT check it out here.

We did NOT take Jimmy to the playground the other day, and Daddy did NOT take him down the big slide and he absolutely did NOT get stuck lol!

I am NOT totally behind on reading everyone's blog posts, not me!

I have NOT been having a wonderful time enjoying the nice weather and I have definitely NOT been out working in the garden and flower beds a lot.

I am NOT going to go do some more of the above mentioned right after I am done catching up on some blogs.... =)


  1. You are so NOT funny!!!

    (..hope the gardening work payed off.. that is what I have been doing as well!)


  2. oh no! he got stuck... too funny!

  3. Oh-and wanted to let you know, I gave you a blog award.

  4. You are not funny! LOL
    Loved your post and the picture that was hilarious.

  5. jimmy is so not cute!!! (that is hard to write!!!)
