Thursday, May 7, 2009

Skywatch Friday #43

(can you see my Red-tailed Hawk in the tree to the left of the sunset?
This is the best pic I have gotten, though honestly I haven't REALLY tried yet lol)

Wanna see more? Check out Skywatch Friday.
Click their logo or the link for more awesome skies!


  1. Brilliant sunset and worthy to be seen in 4 photos. If I had to choose the best then it would be the second one. I can see the hawk.

  2. Wow!! What an absoutely gorgeous sunset!! And I see your hawk! Very cool pictures.

  3. The first picture to me is a God Moment.. did yous see that light shooting up out of the clouds.. I am sure we could have a spiritual analogy with this picture!

    Good Job.. I tell you I need a good camera!

    Jan :)

  4. Beautiful pictures.
    Thanks for sharing them.

  5. Very beautiful pictures Ali! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Those are beautiful pictures, Ali! That last one should be blown up and framed for sure - love the silhouette of the red-tailed hawk!! Very cool! ;)

  7. beautiful... have a great wkend and monthers day!

  8. Your photos are all amazing. The colors are so vivid. Thanks for sharing, have a wonderful weekend.

  9. Thank you all so much!

    Jan - Yes! I did notice that, I LOVE it when I get photos like that one. I have another one that I will probably post next week. And it is from my little camera ;-)
