Monday, June 15, 2009


I am in a kind of funk.....nothing to write, don't feel inspired....I have been TRYING to work on the post about my mom coming up in a couple days, so its bringing back lots of memories. But I am having a hard time figuring out what to write. I feel ok about it, it is just hard to put into words what all happened, I don't want to bore anyone with mundane details! And I just feel blah in general. I have actually been feeling like that for weeks now, but have been trying to get past it. I am trying to get into a nice daily routine, and today was a bit better, but I keep finding myself spending too much time online playing dumb, mindless, facebook games. I am still working outside in the garden and such, but I have been avoiding the blogging world a little bit. Hopefully by next week I will be back in the swing of things, I miss the level of involvement I have had in the past, but I gotta get things squared away here first! Plus summer does bring about more work to be done AND hubby is home more because track season is FINALLY over (he coaches HS track - throwing). Anyway...I am rambling....I gotta get to bed. I will be lurking around and hopefully get more social again soon! Thanks to all my loyal readers out there, I really appreciate you! More posts soon I hope! =)


  1. It seems that alot of people are in a funk these days. including myself!

  2. I think it is a seasonal funk that a lot of us are having. I am right there with you. In the past I have really enjoyed writing, lately I just feel empty of ideas.

    Looking forward to seeing more of you! Take care.

  3. It's easy to get in a funk, that's for sure. Especially during transitional times (new season, track being over, etc.). Not to mention sorting through tough memories. I can relate to how you're feeling there. I hope that you find solace in your hobbies and wonderful family. Life sure can seem complicated sometimes, but as I know you know, there's still so much to be thankful for. Hope you're feeling better soon!

  4. Hang in there! We all get in a funk. I am in a major one today. I will blame it on the weather! Anyway, we will be here when you get back. HUGS!

  5. I agree with everyone else, it's just that time of year, the weather is getting better, for some of us anyways! We'll stick with you through all the ups and downs! We will all be here for you!

  6. yep.. hand in there! we all go through a funk and we'll all wait patiently!!

  7. I've been feeling much the same way these days. I am behind and unfocused. I want to blame something, but there really isn't anything to blame.

    Be good to yourself.

  8. a funk is ( can you tell im in a bit of one too?) Im not very creative- But I will read your "mundane details" anyday..... You're awesome- do we need CHIPOTLE??????

  9. I have confidence in you, all will be OK...I do think Tamis is right, it does seem seasonal...hang in there, we all love you!

  10. Thank you SO very much for the prayers!! I have updated the post...THANK YOU once again.

  11. I hope your case of the blahs passes quickly. That's never fun. My hubby coaches HS track too!

  12. I definitely go through times like this. Hope you're back in the swing of things soon.
