Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I ♥ Faces #24 - Let's Hear It For The Boys!

Here is my entry for the Kids Category:

Flashback to last fall. I just love this face! Jimmy has lost so much weight since September. Once he got mobile, the weight just came right off. I wish that would happen to me lol!

Make sure you head on over to I ♥ Faces to check out all the great pics!


  1. What a sweetheart! Mine are up at http://scienceesl.blogspot.com

  2. love those cheeks..I think he has his daddy's eyes... he is not a baby anymore!

  3. Oh Ali - I love that pic - those cheeks...that expression ! I also love i heart faces...maybe one day I will try it but, need more practice first !
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  4. Look at those cheeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I love chunky monkey babies!! They grow so fast don't they? I love the little carhartts too!
