Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Sad story: Hubby was mowing until dark and didn't see the bunny nest.... and made this bunny an orphan, got his mommy and siblings =( But this little guy was unharmed!


  1. That's so sad! Are you guys gonna keep him?

  2. let him go or he will die. i saved a bunny once and the wildlife vet told me just that. when the stripe is on the head, they are ready for the big world. just keep him away from the dogs and cats and maybe at the edge of a meadow near some thick bushes. i am surprised mama bunny didn't hop off...usually they stay away from the nests for hours and come back to feed only.

  3. Don't worry, we are letting him go, just worried about the cats finding him, or coyotes, hawks or owls. But what can ya do, right? Yeah, I guess the mommy bunny was back in the nest because it was after dark, when they feed the babies (though how old do they feed them to?). If it had been daylight, she would have been out of the nest. iam just glad he is this old!

    Ter, I am sorry I made you sad =( he is a strong bunny, he will be alright! =)

  4. Ahh, he is so cute. Reminds me of the year our cat preyed on baby bunnies. She got 2 nests of 9 bunnies. Terrible, as much as we love her she was just EVIL then. I know it is very natural but it was hard to explain to a 6 year old that loves animals and her cat too.

    Thanks for the tip on flylady camp. I need her in so many ways it is not even a little funny! Can I ask do you follow her? Any dishes in your sink at night? She overwhelms me.

  5. Sad! I know you will not let him go until it's time!

  6. Awwwwww.... too, too precious! I hope he makes it!

  7. He is so cute! Unfortunately I have a cat that brings them home, dead. I wish she'd stop killing rabbits!

  8. Have you considered naming him Nemo? What a cute little bunny.

  9. cute, cute! though i have this weird thing about rabbits.. and i wont go into the story here and ruin bunnys for everyone! he is certainly cute though!
