Wednesday, July 29, 2009

You are such a blessing

Just a quick post to say a very heartfelt thank you to everyone. Thank you all for your kind, warm and comforting comments when Duke passed away last week. I am so blessed to have friends like you offering their words of comfort and even their own experiences with the loss of a beloved pet during this hard time. I know we are not the first ones to lose a dear pet unexpectedly and it helps to know we are not alone in our pain. After being away from blogging for a few days, I learned of the sudden loss of a lovely mare named Grace. Please check out Paint Girl's blog to read about her if you haven't already and put the family in your thoughts and prayers.

Also, please pray for sweet Stellan and his family as he is having a very rough time of it again.

I am trying to get it together to finish out the week with my two posts, Thankful Thursday and Find Me Friday, so hopefully I will catch up with everyone in the next couple days.

Have a blessed day!


  1. Our animals are our family too. Big hugs, Ali.

  2. I was always with my Skye and then one day she just wasn't acting right and before I could get her to a vet she passed away in my living room. Still miss her (2005).

    Miss you too.

  3. can't wait to have you back... and like those above... animals ARE our family.

  4. you are more than welcome ali! my furry babies are just babies and i completely understand your pain. have a good weekend!

  5. I'm so mad at my reader right now...I knew I was missing someone's posts. Grrr....I'm so sorry I didn't know...and I hope things return to normal soon. Lots of love and hugs and prayers.

  6. I just went back and read about Duke. I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine. I lost a pet in a similar way when I was younger...I did something so dumb and hate myself still for it. she was hit by a car. . . we hadn't had her as long as some of our other pets, but it still stung. I intend to keep the dog we have now very safe as I can. But sometimes...things happen. You had no idea what happened would happen....I hope you can work through your grief. Love your site, by the way and your songlist.

  7. I'm so sorry for your loss. :(
