Friday, September 25, 2009

Find Me Friday

The honey bees were all over this goldenrod so I had to get some shots, then I looked down and saw what is in the next pic......

And about screamed!!
A big huge garden SPIDER!!!! ACK!!! I know some of you are a bit "squirmish" about spiders so I will spare you the close-up (what? I had to take a close up shot! teehee) but just know I got close to that big 'ole thing and it was blechy!! And I was RIGHT on top of it before I saw it! Oooo shivers!! At least it sat still and didn't dart or anything, like those stupid hairy jumping spiders....ewwww! Sooo anyway...thanks for stopping by this week, have a great weekend!!

If you are new this week, all you have to do is post a photo of whatever you want (within reason of course, keep it clean people! ;-) ) and it has to have some element of "peekaboo," "hiding" or "camouflage" in it. Think of one of those hidden pictures where you have to find the hidden images. Or a green frog blending into the green leaf he is sitting on. There are tons of options! Have fun with it!

If you would like to join in, please make sure to link back to my blog and use my button if you like. If I decide your image(s) is/are inappropriate, I have the right to delete your link. Other than that, have fun and I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with! Oh, and I plan on having weekly themes in the future, but if you don't have a photo that falls into the category, you can still participate. And I don't mind if you add this into another Friday blog carnival. As long as you remember to link to me, that is great! Ok, that's all for now, lets see those photos!

Here is a button for you to use if you would like to participate. Thanks!

<a href=""><img src=""/></a>


  1. I am one of those that hates spiders! I would have screamed and run the other way!

  2. bugs.. dont we jsut lvoe them.. in our pcitures! The first shot is my fav!
