Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I am SO very Thankful for this:
Notice anything different about our roof? Maybe it would help to look at this post. Look at the 4th picture down....Some of you may remember that we had blue tarps all over our roof because of wind damage and shingle loss. Well, its FINALLY fixed, the new roof is on! Yay! I am so thankful, it only took ALL SUMMER, but that's a WHOLE different story, the important thing is ITS DONE!


  1. Awesome! That is something to be thankful for!!

  2. Congratulations! I'm so glad this is done and you won't have to worry about it anymore!

  3. you have a wonderful house, how blessed are you! And a new roof!!! yeah!

    I am going to post my Find Me Friday I wont have time in the morning :)

  4. what a gorgeous country farm house! It looks like HOME!

    Congrats on the roof without blue tarps!
