Thursday, January 7, 2010

Ok, I did it!

I started a daily photo blog for 2010. I figured with all the new stuff going on in our lives (new puppies and baby #2 on the way, etc) I should try to document it. AND we named our farm. We are calling it Cross Creek Farm because a creek runs across our property and there will soon be a cross next to the creek by Duke's grave. My lovely friend Angie's son Mackenzie was so sweet to make us a big wooden cross with Duke's name on it when he died, so in the spring when we plant Duke's memorial tree, we will also put the cross up. And of course having "cross" in our farm name signifies our relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And don't worry, I will still be posting here, the other blog will just be a photo a day, maybe participating in different blogs' photo challenges. I WILL be moving Find Me Friday over there, not sure if I will do that tomorrow or not, we'll see....Ok, so go check out the new blog already! Click here!


  1. I'm doing the photo a day thing too! :) Haven't started a blog for it, I think I am going to see if I can find some way to do a collage at the end of the month kind of thing. not sure yet!

  2. Wow! A lot of changes! Sorry I haven't been around. I'm all over the brain is mainly shot and my kid never sleeps so I'm getting to as many blogs as I can when I can! Good luck on it all!

  3. Yeah!!!!!

    I will be following along.. we will have to encourage each other to keep at it!!

  4. I love the name "Cross Creek Farm."

  5. i love the name too.. cant wait to see more of this new blog..

    have a good wkend!
