First off I want to take a minute and say hello to my newest followers! Thank you so much for your interest in my blog! I always get so excited to have new followers and I am thankful for each one of you. =)
I am also thankful that my sister, brother-in-law and nephew are coming to visit for a couple days. I haven't gotten to see them since Christmas so it will be so nice to have some time together. We will be going to our family's annual picnic at my dad and stepmom's. It will be a blast! We will have lots of food, cornhole, a remote control racecar track, horse rides, wiffle ball, water balloon games, and all kinds of fun stuff! Its kind of like a big family reunion every year. I am so thankful that we will get to see aunts and uncles and cousins that we grew up with but hardly ever get to see anymore since we have all grown up.
I just hope being almost 9 months pregnant that I won't get TOO hot & sweaty lol!
So....what are YOU thankful for?
sounds like an awesome wkend coming up.. hope you have lots of fun.. and don't get too hot!!!
That sounds like a wonderful weekend!! Take it easy and have fun!
That is great! Enjoy your weekdend! There is nothing like good company, especially family visits!
Mama Hen
I hope you are having a great weekend!
Ali, Sounds like you will be busy, and having alot of fun. I cant belive you are over 35 weeks wow, where has the time gone? lol. How are you feeling?
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