Wednesday, June 30, 2010

One Week Left!!

What? The baby is due in ONE WEEK?? Yikes! I went to the dr. yesterday and actually remembered to ask him if my actual due date was the 7th or 10th and he said 7th so that means one week from today we could have a new addition to our family! Wow! I can't believe it is almost time!

So the dr. appt. went pretty good, the baby's heart rate is good, my blood pressure is good, everything looks fine except for the fact that the baby is still BREECH! Argh! So if by next Wednesday the baby hasn't come, I am scheduled for an ultrasound to see how exactly the baby is laying. My doctor does do breech deliveries, he even said he liked doing them (thank goodness for 30 years experience!)! But the baby has to be frank breech (bottom first) and the shoulders have to measure small enough to fit through my pelvis (obviously!). So that will be checked at the ultrasound. Otherwise, if the baby is a different type of breech, we will schedule a version (where the doctor will try to manually turn the baby) and I will be induced if it is successful and deliver so the baby (hopefully) doesn't have time to turn back around. Last option.....c-section. Eeeeesh, scares me to death!! I have never had any type of surgery before, do NOT like needles, the idea of being cut open, etc, etc....but if that's what needs to happen, that's what will happen. I am a big girl and the baby's safety comes first!

So....I guess that is it for a baby update this week! I am feeling pretty good, sleep is a bit uncomfortable with my hips starting to hurt and it is quite difficult and a little painful to turn over in bed. And the getting up every hour or so to use the bathroom is annoying lol! But otherwise, I am still trucking along ;-)  I even took Jimmy to the library this morning to see one of the summer kids programs. He had a blast watching the magician that put on a show about undersea animals, he even had a cute dolphin puppet that squirted water! That got the kids going. Also, tonight Jim and I took Jimmy to our local dairy farm that is open to the public. They have goats to feed, all kinds of family activities like putt-putt and batting cages, kids activities, a restaurant and an ice cream shop. Jimmy had a blast and loved feeding the goats. Here is a pic of daddy showing him how to feed them.

 The next time we go we will have two little ones to tote around, it is still a bit unreal to me! Well, I better get going. I will try to give updates if anything happens! =)

Saturday, June 26, 2010


I haven't been around much again. I've been trying to get stuff ready for the new baby, appointments, visits with friends, here is an update!

I am 38 weeks today, I can't believe the baby is due in 2 weeks! Quick update, the last time I went to the dr. he said he thinks the baby is breech. So I freaked out a little, that really messes up my hopes for a natural birth. I have been searching all over the internet and found to be quite helpful. I think the baby may have flipped Thursday night, I was feeling hiccups really low in my abdomen whereas I had been feeling them up high. Then Friday morning I woke up and felt them high again. As of last night, I felt the hiccups low. Soooo who knows whats going on in there! I will say that I have been feeling feet up high so if the baby IS breech, it must be bottom first and not feet first. I haven't felt any strong movement down low, just little movements so hopefully its hands and the baby IS headfirst! My next dr. appt is Tuesday so I will give an update then.

In other news....

We sold my white truck. I am really gonna miss it. I grew to LOVE driving it and now I don't want to drive anything but a truck! Jim took a couple of pics of me with it. *sniff* (see this post for more on the white truck and why I didn't like it much at the beginning)

Oh yes and notice my 37 week baby belly ;-)

We went to my nephew Conner's 2nd birthday party on the same day we sold the truck, the guy that bought it actually lives in the same town as my brother, about an hour from our house, so it worked out perfectly for us to take the truck to him.

Here is my nephew blowing out his candle:

Jimmy having a blast in the bounce house at Conner's party

Someone had a bit too much fun! Fell asleep not long after we left the party, holding his party favor football =)

Jimmy got to have a friend over on Wednesday. My best friend Katie came over with her 3 year old little girl and her 6 month old son. I haven't gotten to see them for so long, it was awesome to have them visit. Jimmy had a blast with Jocelyn. We need to have friends over more often! Katie brought me 3 baby wraps, 2 that she made. They are so cute and I can't wait to use them. I LOVE to wear my babies! Now I have 2 ring slings I made, 3 pouch slings (2 I made, one Hot Sling) and 3 wraps. Woohoo!!

I got a little crafty this week and made a baby blanket for the new baby. I just LOVED the dragonfly fabric so I had to get it! It was the first time I ever made a blanket with satin binding, didn't turn out too bad and it was super easy.

Today we are going to look at twin mattress set & bed for Jimmy. Its time for him to get out of the toddler bed that will be made back into a crib for the baby. We just bought it for the new baby, but I decided to let Jimmy get used to a "big boy bed" and left it as a toddler bed for the time being. So now he will graduate to a BIG big boy bed. Hopefully he will do fine in a twin bed. We are going to leave the mattress on the floor until he gets used to being a little higher off the ground.

Well, that's pretty much it besides the general yard work, flower planting and mulching. Not too much exciting going on, but I've been busy. Oh, Jim is almost done with the fence across the front yard, it looks great. We will finally be able to let the dogs run around without worrying about them getting hit by a car like Duke =(
I will post pics of it soon! I hope everyone has a fabulous week and I will try to keep y'all posted on the new baby's progress =)

Friday, June 18, 2010

4 Years

My sister posted this on her facebook page today. I really like it so I thought I would share it with you all.

"Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while, but their hearts forever"- Author Unknown.

This saying is so true. It seems like many things I do or the way I do them are because of my mom. Not a day passes that I do not think of her. Its been 4 years since my mom passed away from early onset Alzheimer's. We miss her tremendously, but find comfort in knowing that she is in a better place and we will one day see her again. She may have lost the battle here on earth, but she has gained something far greater than anything we could ever begin to imagine.

We love & miss you mom!! This daisy is for you. They were your favorite and I always have them growing in my flower bed in memory of you.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Summer Cut

Yesterday I cut Jimmy's hair. And I cut it SHORT. I have been kind of working towards it little by little....I really loved his long hair, but he is a boy....and boys get sweaty and dirty (I know, so do girls, humor me here lol!) and it is getting HOT out. So I decided to give him a nice summer cut. I went and bought some $10 hair clippers at Dollar General, came home and in no time, my sweet little man went from this:

To this:
Every time I cut his hair, I am amazed at how much older he looks, so I really love that he is sucking his thumb. He's still my little baby  (well, until the new baby arrives anyway) ;-)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - Fun in the Sun

Life is never boring with a hubby like this =)

For more Wordless Wednesday head over to 5 Minutes for Mom.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

One Month to Go!

Wow, I can't believe I only have one more month until our new little bundle of joy arrives! On one hand, I am wanting this month to fly by because I am so tired and sore and having trouble sleeping comfortably, etc, and I want to meet our new baby! Then on the other hand, I am starting to feel overwhelmed that I have SO MUCH left to do before the baby comes! Only a couple of things really HAVE to be done, but there are a lot of things I would like to do. I have pretty much everything I need from when I had Jimmy so we are pretty much set, I just feel the need to get some little "extras" for when baby arrives. I have not, however, started to nest. I never did with Jimmy and I really hope I do this time. I need that burst of energy and motivation to get some deep cleaning/organizing done! I have a dr. appointment next week and then they will be weekly after that. I am still working on my birth plan and I have to meet the pediatrician who will be doing the hospital visit for the new baby. Our family dr. doesn't do the hospital visits so I had to find someone to do a one time newborn screening. I had a good recommendation so I feel pretty confident about this dr.

My last dr. appt. went well, another quick one, but he said the heart rate was 136 and the baby had dropped a little. The baby has been getting the hiccups regularly and movement has become a little more restricted. I can see little bumps moving across my belly when the baby moves, it is so neat. That feeling never gets old!

Here is a pic I took on my cell phone of my almost 36 week baby "mountain," that ain't no bump lol!

Oh and as far as names go, I have a couple I like, but we won't "know" what the right name is until the baby arrives. All the names I liked for girls last time don't sound right this time so I had to figure out new ones (or one really, I am so picky!). And boy names....ugh. I like 2 and Jim doesn't like either of them. Soooo....we'll see what happens! Let me know if anyone has any suggestions =)