Monday, September 20, 2010

Tot School - Letter K

Tot School 

Jimmy is 32 months old  
(He was 31 months when we did these activities)

Last week we resumed our alphabet activities with the Letter K.

Here is what we did:

Letter K on 

I made a Playdough Mat for Jimmy and he did a great job! I had to help with rolling out the playdough, but he traced the letter with no trouble at all. We will definitely be doing more of these!

I printed out this Letter Hunt and Jimmy did great. We are still working on how to circle things, but he did a wonderful job scribbling over the k's. =)

We also did a letter tracing sheet. I am so sorry but I forgot where I found it! If you know, please let me know so I can provide a link. It also came with pictures you could cut out to make a collage around the uppercase and lowercase letters.

We made the letter K kangaroo on the Totally Tots website. Jimmy loves it!

We read lots of books, including these with the letter K in the title.

We also had plenty of playtime, especially with blocks and trains. Jimmy's favorite!

To end the week, we went to our town's festival Friday night and Saturday. Friday night they always have an auction in the center of town and Jimmy's grandpa bought him this:
So Jimmy ended the week learning how to pedal his new "tractor" and carrying around little rocks in the trailer.

Thanks for stopping by! Make sure you head over and check out the other Tot School posts for the week at 1+1+1=1


  1. Fun week! He did a great job tracing. My tot is not even close to doing it.

  2. wow!
    he seems to be doing really well..!
