Friday, August 28, 2015

Nature Walk Photos

Here are some pics from our most recent walk around our property. I hope you enjoy them!

 A goldfinch nest
I have never seen one, it was so neat! Covered in soft thistle fuzz, it has 4 little eggs inside. 

Our jewelweed is in full bloom and that makes it super easy to find. Jewelweed is a wonderful plant full of medicinal goodness. It is great for if you get poison ivy and is often found nearby.

Gorgeous blue flowers that fill our pastures when they are in need of mowing. I just love these!

Monarch Caterpillar
We spotted lots of these guys! We have tons of them this year, and I am so happy to see them. We brought one to the house so the boys could watch it make a chrysalis and hopefully we will get to see it emerge as a butterfly. We raised 7 or 8 last year, some of them from eggs! It was a great experience. 

We also spotted various birds including chickadees and cardinals and some other wildflowers. Thanks for stopping by, hope you have a great weekend!

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