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Monday, March 16, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Little Jimmy and I did NOT just wake up a little while ago, around 10

I do NOT feel like I have wasted half of the day already

I am NOT sitting here typing this in my pj's

Tomorrow is NOT me and hubby's 2 year anniversary ;-)

I did NOT get irritated at some people that were hanging out over by our creek on the other side of our property for like a half hour, then I did NOT feel embarrassed about my attitude when my hubby told me they were going down the road picking up trash! Oopsie!

I did NOT go to Lowes yesterday and get really excited when I saw the new trees and garden plants, yay!! Spring is NOT almost here lol!

Ooo, almost forgot! I am NOT getting a new (to me) camera from my awesome photographer Uncle (and cousin) and I am NOT super excited to finally be getting a digital SLR, even if it is only 6 megapixels, THATS OK, it gets me started, THANKS UNCLE BRUCE and BRIAN! Here is a link to their website if anyone in the Roanoke, VA area is interested, they do FANTASTIC work!
Muncy Fine Photography. They also have a link to their blog on the homepage, check it out!


purejoy said...

wow nuber 4!! good job!
so awesome to be getting an SLR camera. i have one, but i'm still learning how to use it. i would like a zoomish lens, but am not sure what to get. (or how to use it!!)
oh, and i'm right there with you in wasting my morning. i for a brief moment thought i was number one, and after having a small heart attack, hit refresh (for the 5zillionth time this morning) only to discover #6. but i was still pumped at a top ten.
so now i'm going to go get a life!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, happy anniversary! IS the dog in your header a border bollie or australian shepherd? I LOVE border collies. Just gotta wait for the little on to get a bit older before we get one.

Alexis said...

Nothin wrong with waking up at 10! I'd do it every day if anyone ever LET me :) Enjoy your blog - it's VERY cool!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Enjoy your new camera! You will love it!
I'm new to your blog. I have a horse as well-a leopard Appaloosa. He's an old man now, but I've had him all my life!

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

You are looking good here!! Happy Anniversary tomorrow. It is so exciting to see the gardening supplies arrive in the stores.

Emily said...

congrats on the 2yr anniversary

King J's Queen said...

Good luck with your new camera. I just got my first digital SLR about a month ago and I've been having fun learning to use it.

Happy Anniversary!

King J's Queen said...

HI again! Thank you for stopping by my post and leaving a comment with a blog layout reference. I'm checking it out now. Have a great evening!

Brandi said...

I wish I could sleep till 10. Happy Anniversary to you and your husband.

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