Thursday, June 25, 2009

Poor Jimmy...

I took Jimmy to the doctor this morning because he has had this diaper rash that won't go away. Well, the Dr. thinks it is a staph infection. Booooo! I had a sneaking suspicion.... =( My poor little baby! The Dr. did a culture, so we will see what it is exactly. He put Jimmy on antibiotics so I hope it clears up quick! Jimmy actually had something similar back in February and the Dr. prescribed some ointment that cleared it up, but it has returned twice now! I REALLY hope it isn't MRSA. Please say a quick prayer for our little guy, that this goes away once and for all! Thanks everyone!


  1. Poor Jimmy! Hope the medicine works and he clears up soon. No fun to have a rash on your bum!

  2. Poor sweetie! I hope you can get it to clear up really fast!

  3. Poor little guy... definitaly in my prayers.. just said a quick one for him now too!
    Thanks for creating a button for Jans Place!

  4. Get better soon Jimmy! You are in my prayers!

  5. Aaahh, yours is one of the blogs I have trouble commenting on for some reason. In Mozilla it won't let me sign in so I can leave a IE it tells me there is a problem with your page and aborts. I'll be praying he gets better soon! I had MRSA not too long ago in a hump in my knee. No fun. Sorry I haven't commented much lately but like I said, for some reason your blog gives me issues!

  6. Poor little Jimmy! Glad you took him. That is as hard on momma as it is baby. We hurt when they do.
