Friday, June 26, 2009

VGNO - Michael Jackson Tribute

It's that time again! Time for Virtual Girls Night Out, hosted by the wonderful Ann at Ann Again... and Again. It is a night full of pj wearing, blog hopping, new friend meeting, blog buddy chatting, game playing fun!

Ann asked how we met our hubby. Well, I met Jim in high school. We were both actually on Prom Court our Junior year. I was Prom Princess, but he d
idn't get Prince, though that would have been a neat story since we didn't even know each other then. My then boyfriend was up for Prince too, but he didn't get it either. The guy that did get it ended up getting married the same day Jim and I did though. We are all connected somehow lol! ANYWAY, Jim and I started dating at the end of Senior year after being in study hall and on the track team together. He really wasn't my type, but there was something about him....I finally dated him and discovered he was the sweetest, kindest, teddy-bear guy I had ever met! We dated for almost 7 years and the rest is history lol.

Ok, so I am super bummed by the sudden death of Michael Jackson. I know, he was a bit weird in his later years, but I LOVED his Thriller days (and younger of course). I used to dress up in a red shirt and glove and just dance all around the house. I LOVED his music videos, especially the full-length Thriller video. Here is a link to it: Thriller - Full Version.

Michael Jackson was an amazing, super talented singer and dancer and no amount of "strangeness" (or plastic surgery lol) can change that. He had some bad moments (holding the baby over the balcony??? NOT GOOD!) but all in all, he will be missed!

I hope you all have a wonderful VGNO, happy Friday!


  1. Great blog header. What a lovely picture!
    Happy friday! Happy GNO!

  2. All you VGNO'ers seem to be high school sweethearts! Awww!

    Happy VGNO!

  3. You totally said it all about MJ. Happy VGNO!

  4. I think he was a troubled soul, but yes, he was very talented and played a big part in many peoples lives.
    Have a great night.

  5. I feel the same about MJ. He was a great musician - even though he was a bit troubled. Happy VGNO

  6. Stopping by for VGNO!

    Hope you have a great weekend.

  7. I totally agree with you on MJ! I also remember the days when we were just kids, and his music was what we just had to listen too!
    It's funny because my OH wasn't my type when I met him either. Well, he had changed alot before I actually met him. He was a rocker in his younger days. I did not hang out with that crowd at all, but by the time I met him he had totally changed! If I had met him in high school, I wouldn't have even talked to him! LOL!

  8. Funny how things work out, huh?

    I, too, agree about MJ. Such a talent!

  9. What a cute story of how you met your hubby! I think it was meant to be!

    btw, I linked to you today in my picture tag post. Enjoy your weekend.

  10. I didn't have a high school sweet heart. Sigh... but I wouldn't trade my hubby for the world. Loved the story. Have a great weekend.

  11. Still making VGNO rounds.
    Totally bummed too about M.J.
    It's out of the blue. I somehow thought he would make a comeback in the U.S. after he finished in England.
    Have a great weekend.

  12. Just a little note for you...

    You are such an Angel!

    Jan :)

  13. Hope you're having a good weekend!

  14. Stopping by for a very late VGNO. Love your love story. I agree MJ was pretty cool in his 'earlier' days...
