Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tot School - Letter "G"

Tot School 

Jimmy is 27 months old

Alright!I am getting my post up earlier this week, yay me!! ;-)

Last week we worked on the Letter G. Here is what we did:

Letter G on Starfall.com

Letter G Giraffe. I came up with this, I am so proud of myself lol. Jimmy loves giraffes so I really wanted to make a letter G into one. Turned out it was really easy and it came out so cute (if I do say so myself). And it was one of the better foam letter crafts because Jimmy could actually do a lot of it on his own. He put all the spots on himself. If you need instructions to make one, check out my post here.

 We made a Garden with his sticky foam flowers and critters. He is really into stickers right now so he had a blast.

We read some "Letter G" books:

I finally got out some pasta and containers and let Jimmy play with those. He was entertained for a long time!

We worked on Jimmy's bowling skills...

I finally made these Bottle Top Name cards from 1+1+1=1. Jimmy LOVES them! I made 3 so far - Jimmy, Mommy and Daddy. He has been doing very well with them (though for this photo he wanted to just line the lids up, isn't that the way it goes lol!). I am going to make more with words to go along with the letter of the week, just need to get more lids!

Hope you enjoyed Letter G week. See you next week for fun with the Letter H!!

Make sure you head over to 1+1+1=1 to see what other tots are doing!


  1. I love your giraffe - he's absolutely adorable! I don't think I've run across your blog on tot school before - I enjoyed it! :)

  2. That giraffe is so cute. And I loved the sticker garden. My DD also loves stickers!

  3. Happy Mothers Day. Hope you had a great day. Blessings,
