I have so much to be thankful for. We were blessed with a beautiful baby boy a little over a week ago. I was able to have a natural birth because the baby turned from breech to head down just in time. My sister came all the way from North Carolina with her 20 month old son to stay with us and help out for 2 weeks. My hubby got a job promotion....and all this just in the last 2 weeks or so! Much more has happened in the last year as well. It helps me forget the pain from a year ago....
Its hard to believe its been a year since our beloved dog
Duke died. We still miss him tremendously, but we have been blessed with 2 more Aussies and they have been keeping us busy! Bo is a nut, but he is really good, listens very well and LOVES playing in the barn. He is super fast and climbs stacks of hay bales. Jim has a lot of fun with him. I think he would make an awesome agility dog...maybe I can get Jim to take a class with him. Luke is a bit more laid back and he is a sweetie. He gets a bit crazy sometimes (he IS an Aussie after all!) but he does really well with Jimmy. He loves to play frisbee and is doing pretty well with returning it to me when he retrieves it. Neither of the dogs are as well trained as Duke was, but hopefully in time they will catch up. I just haven't put as much time in as I should have and now with Baby Matthew its going to be even harder. I am more in charge of Luke's training and Jim is taking care of Bo so we will see how it goes in the coming months. Bo will be a year old in a few days and Luke will be one in October. Time sure does fly!
So...what else has changed in the past year...we got the 2 dogs, we sold my
white truck, refinanced the house, got the front board
fence up,
had a baby, oh, and hubby's job promotion. I am praying he does well and that learning all the new things he will be responsible for comes easily, as this is a bit of a large change from his original job. We are so thankful for this change though, God is awesome!
So in the midst of the sadness we have felt with the loss of Duke (and some other minor issues we have been dealing with), we have so much to be thankful for. All I have mentioned and so much more. It really helps to put what we are thankful for in writing, it gets my mind on the good things instead of bad!
So...what are YOU thankful for?