The game started out with the National Anthem and a Bald Eagle flying from the outfield to the pitcher's mound. Unfortunately I did not have my camera out yet but it was a beautiful sight! Such a gorgeous, majestic bird, what a perfect symbol of our country.
Jimmy eating all of his cousin Conner's goldfish (daddy was getting food! Mommy just forgot to bring snacks....thanks for keeping the peace Aunt Mandy! lol)

First baseman Joey Votto, one of my current favorite players, he is such a cutie! ;-) No home runs tonight though.

Game Summary (photo courtesy of Mandy my sis in law)

A parachuting demonstration (don't ask me what they are called, I totally forget! Bad Ali!), we could see the plane above, the jumpers had sparklers so you could watch them coming down, and they landed right on the field. It was really neat!

Fireworks Intro (photo courtesy of Mandy again ;-) )

This was the kickoff to the fireworks, pretty cool. The guy had to start the fireworks with that box right in the middle of the ballfield.

Some bad pics of the fireworks, didn't get too many shots of them because.....

....I was holding this sweet little guy while he watched. He loved them and kept pointing to them, it was so cute!

I have to mention, it was also my grandparents 61st wedding anniversary! Here they are enjoying the fireworks =)

And by the time the finale came around, this is what Jimmy's little cousin Conner was doing. He slept right through the grand finale and it was loud & bright as day! ;-)
(sorry lady's whose rear is in the photo lol)

After such a big day, we actually didn't do much on Saturday. We went to the Americana Festival in my hometown around lunchtime and then went out to eat. Then we came home. We did some farm chores and rented a movie and had dinner, a nice and relaxing evening for the 4th of July. Even saw some fireworks out the window in the distance (crazy farm kids! ;-) )
Sunday we went over to my in-laws for a cookout lunch and then we ended up going over to my Dad & Kathy's again to pick up a horse. We are trading one of ours for one of theirs for a while, one, to have a horse we can actually RIDE, and two, to see if one of my "sisters" can ride Gunner and work with him a little bit since they know waay more about horses & training than we do. We borrowed their trailer (couldn't use ours because it is full of stuff that we took to the flea market lol) so we are taking Gunner over there tonight when we take the trailer back. Here is a pic of Mimsy the "ugly mare" they call her. She is named after Madam Mim from the Sword in the Stone movie. I don't think she is too ugly! ;-)

Looks and sounds like a perfectly wonderful weekend!
Great pictures! It looks like a great weekend!
Fun! He's so cute!
I want a horse.
looks like fun!
sigh...I miss having horses!
Trying to catch up on my blog reading. I am so far behind. sounds like you had a great holiday weekend.
Your little guy is so stinkin' cute! (Love the wonder in his eyes as he watched the fireworks!) And I liked the pic of your family and your grandparents, how special that you could all be together! Your relaxing Saturday sounds wonderful!
What fun! I haven't been to a baseball game in years! Jimmy is so cute!
I think Mimsy is very cute!
Glad you and the family had a good 4th!
Sounds like an awesome weekend!! Y'all are such a lovely family! Your page makes me smile....I love Jason Aldean's music...and the fact that song mentions SC doesn't hurt
looks like you guys had an awesome time... and great pics!!
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