I am Thankful for:
Good friends
Our animal friends
The food on our table
Our home
Our barn and land
Our vehicles
A nice bed to sleep on
Even though life is not always the way we want it to be, we still must look around us and see that we are truly blessed. Then we will realize just how much we DO have, instead of focusing what we don't have. Thank you Lord for providing for my family!
Do you have something to be Thankful for? Let everyone know about it! Just enter your name or name of your blog and add the link to your specific Thankful Thursday post (not your blog's homepage please!) Also, please add the Thankful Thursday logo or link to my blog in your post. Have fun and thanks for joining me!
great list... and i LOVE a great bed to sleep on... it priceless..
i agree with your list! we all have so much to be thankful for...and the bed, yes, that is so true! especially if one has a bad back!
Great list.
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