Remember this post? Remember the part about the turtle sandbox? Well....I FINALLY found one with eyes (lol, I am pathetic I know)! A friend of mine told me about one last week, her friend was selling it for $5 and she didn't think it had eyes anymore, but at this point I didn't care. Just wanted to get one so Jimmy could finally play in the sand with his toys his grandparent's got him for EASTER! So we went to pick it up and it turned out it was in great shape and DID have eyes AND the lady selling it even threw in some of her son's sand toys & hotwheels cars he didn't want anymore. What a great $5 deal! Here are some pics of the little man enjoying his "new" sandbox:
Awww, yay! It has eyes! ;-)

Not sure he likes the feel of the sand:

Thinking the sand is alright, but still not willing to get too into it...he sat like this pretty much the whole time. I love how his little toes are all curled up!

Oh, cool, Daddy built a racetrack!

Ok, now remember THIS post? A LOT of you won't because it is from FEBRUARY! But anyway, I started this drawing back then...and am still working on it. Now you probably think, geez is she slow...but in all honesty, I have probably only worked on it for about 20 minutes MAX. I just haven't sat down and FOCUSED long enough to get it done. Another 20 minutes or so would probably be enough, so now I just need to git 'er dun! Oh yeah, here it is.

And finally, there was this post. And now there are these:

Besides all that, we went to a garage sale of a friend's on Saturday and got soaked in the rain, major downpour! Sunday we went to church and a chicken roast afterwards and then today a friend came over and brought her 2 kids and we had a nice playdate. It was great to be able to talk to another ADULT for once ;-)
Ok everyone, thanks for stopping by and I will hopefully be catching up on my visits to y'all's blogs in the next couple days, I am so behind and miss knowing what is going on with everyone! Have a great (rest of the) week!
Great pictures! It is July and I have yet to refill the sandbox. EEEK! There's just the remnants from last year.
Love the drawing-beautiful work! And the flowers are gorgeous!
that is the exact sand box I want to get for my girls!!
he is soooo STINKING cute in that sandbox... and that drawing, gorgeous... you've got major great talent!!
I love your drawing, there is something therapeutic about picking up a pencil isn't there.
That sand box is so cute! It looks like he likes it!
AND IT HAS EYES! Yippeee. He looks darling! It will be his new favorite things--to bad they have to grow up, isn't it?
Amazing drawing! My Mom went to art school, you would think it was in the genes. Sadly I draw stick horses...some people say they look like cows though.
I meant to tell you earlier the picture of your family at the ball game was so beautiful~
Awwww.... thanks for the memories! My daughter (who is now 25!) had one just like it when she was little. Your little guy is going to have so much fun with it.
And... beautiful drawing!
I love the pics:) What a beautiful son you have. I love taking pics of flowers, anything outdoors. You can draw so well, I would love to see all your drawings. I enjoyed your blog so much. Many Blessings,
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