Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Honest Scrap Award

The other day I received this award from Kritter Keeper over at Farm Tails. Her blog is fantastic and I just love reading about the wildlife she encounters on her farm. She always has beautiful photos to share too! Thank you so much for sending this award my way!

The honest scrap award comes with a caveat or two. First, you have to tell your readers 10 things about you they may not already know, but are true. Second, you have to tag 10 people with the award. Third, you have to let the people you've given the award to, know that they've received this award from you. Finally, make sure you link back to the person who awarded you.

Ok, here goes...lets see....

1. I used to be a Mary Kay consultant. I was almost got my red jacket too (for those of you who know what that means lol), but then after a while I decided it wasn't for me.

2. I have a pet box turtle that I have had since I was 10. Turtles were my favorite animal until I discovered horses =)

3. When I lived in the suburbs from 3rd to 7th grade, I wore cowboy boots and bolo ties to school. on occasion Then when my family moved to the country and I started my sophomore year, I wore a lot of black & more "skater" type clothes...I think I was confused as to where I was living...lol

4. My first ever kiss was when I was 15 and it MAY have been of the french type....eww it grosses me out just thinking about it!!

5. I LOVE peanut butter. Like seriously, I think I have a problem... it is soooo YUMMMY!

6. I am an artist. I used to mainly draw with colored pencil or charcoal. I was getting into painting more, oils, acrylics and water colors, but I haven't done any artwork in YEARS! I got into computers (graphic design) and photography for school and ever since working and having the baby haven't had (made) time to do much artwork.

7. I once wanted to have a girl singing group with my 2 cousins at one point, and one cousin and my friend Mary at another. Or maybe it was my sister and Mary.... I don't quite remember. But I wanted to call it "3:AM" or "33 and a Third" (like the record). I also wanted to play bass guitar in it.

8. I used to set up a card table at the end of our driveway and have my own little craft/jewelry & lemonade sales. I loved to make jewelry and all kinds of little crafts. That is how I earned the money to buy my turtle in #2. Now...why don't I do that now?? I need to have an Etsy store! I just need to focus one one thing and not a MILLION!

9. When I was a kid, I would sometimes try to get my mom to say I wasn't allowed to go to a friend's house when they called to see if I could play just so that I could stay home and read a book. Ahh, I love to read! Now if I try to sit on the couch and read while Jimmy plays, he ends up crawling up on the couch and crawls all over me! It's so cute ;-)

10. I always LOVED hockey. The kids in my neighborhood and I used to play street hockey on rollerblades all the time! And I remember in gym in like 7th grade, playing floor hockey and I KICKED BUTT!! It was so much fun =)

Ok, there ya have it. Not too exciting, but hey, hopefully there were a couple surprises in there for you! Now to pass this baby on! Here are 10 wonderful blogs I visit, in particular order:
  1. Stefanie at Lexie Loo & Dylan Too
  2. Ter at With An Angel On My Shoulder
  3. Randi at Beauty Be Good
  4. Keely at A Day in the Life of a Cowboy's Wife
  5. Kammy at Small Home in the Country
  6. Amanda at Family of Shorts
  7. Marie at Emma Calls Me Mama
  8. Griffin's # 1 fan
  9. Angie at Metamorphosis
  10. Jessica at Country Family Robinson

Super Follower Award

Here is an award I received a while ago and forgot to post! Thank you so much to Stefanie over at Lexie Loo & Dylan Too, she is such a sweetie and has the cutest kids, go check her out!

Now to pass it on to a few loverly followers (I am only picking 5, but I love & appreciate you all!!!! :-D ):

  1. Jan
  2. Randi
  3. Kritter Keeper
  4. JAM
  5. Dusty Devoe

Monday, June 29, 2009

Menu Plan Monday - 6/29

Wow, I think this week is going to be lazy...as much as I hate to admit it I just don't feel like being in the kitchen much! Make sure to go over to orgjunkie.com to check out all the great meal ideas for Menu Plan Monday.

Breakfast: Oatmeal & Blueberries
Lunch: Leftover Tuna Casserole
Dinner: Spaghetti

Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs
Lunch: Peanut Butter & Jelly, Carrots
Dinner: Homemade Mac & Cheese, Green Beans

Breakfast: Oatmeal & Blueberries
Lunch: Leftover Mac & Cheese
Dinner: Mexican Casserole

Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs
Lunch: Leftover Mexican Casserole
Dinner: Potato Soup, carryover from last week

Breakfast: Oatmeal & Blueberries
Lunch: PB&J, carrots
Dinner: Going to a baseball game - Cincinnati Reds baby! Time for some real "healthy" food, think we will check out the dollar menu! Mmm hotdogs!

Picnic at my Dad & Kathy's so will be eating randomly all day =)

Free For All - who knows what will happen! lol

Friday, June 26, 2009

VGNO - Michael Jackson Tribute

It's that time again! Time for Virtual Girls Night Out, hosted by the wonderful Ann at Ann Again... and Again. It is a night full of pj wearing, blog hopping, new friend meeting, blog buddy chatting, game playing fun!

Ann asked how we met our hubby. Well, I met Jim in high school. We were both actually on Prom Court our Junior year. I was Prom Princess, but he d
idn't get Prince, though that would have been a neat story since we didn't even know each other then. My then boyfriend was up for Prince too, but he didn't get it either. The guy that did get it ended up getting married the same day Jim and I did though. We are all connected somehow lol! ANYWAY, Jim and I started dating at the end of Senior year after being in study hall and on the track team together. He really wasn't my type, but there was something about him....I finally dated him and discovered he was the sweetest, kindest, teddy-bear guy I had ever met! We dated for almost 7 years and the rest is history lol.

Ok, so I am super bummed by the sudden death of Michael Jackson. I know, he was a bit weird in his later years, but I LOVED his Thriller days (and younger of course). I used to dress up in a red shirt and glove and just dance all around the house. I LOVED his music videos, especially the full-length Thriller video. Here is a link to it: Thriller - Full Version.

Michael Jackson was an amazing, super talented singer and dancer and no amount of "strangeness" (or plastic surgery lol) can change that. He had some bad moments (holding the baby over the balcony??? NOT GOOD!) but all in all, he will be missed!

I hope you all have a wonderful VGNO, happy Friday!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Poor Jimmy...

I took Jimmy to the doctor this morning because he has had this diaper rash that won't go away. Well, the Dr. thinks it is a staph infection. Booooo! I had a sneaking suspicion.... =( My poor little baby! The Dr. did a culture, so we will see what it is exactly. He put Jimmy on antibiotics so I hope it clears up quick! Jimmy actually had something similar back in February and the Dr. prescribed some ointment that cleared it up, but it has returned twice now! I REALLY hope it isn't MRSA. Please say a quick prayer for our little guy, that this goes away once and for all! Thanks everyone!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Happy First Birthday Conner!

My adorable nephew Conner turns 1 year old today! He is my big brother's little boy.

Here are some pics from his birthday party last Saturday:

Conner & Jimmy playing with the gigantic ball!

Jimmy playing cornhole


What do I do with this?

Ohh....that tastes pretty good!

Yup! Good enough to wear! Yummy!
Congrats Mike & Mandy on such a sweet little cutie pie! Happy First Birthday Conner!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I ♥ Faces #24 - Let's Hear It For The Boys!

Here is my entry for the Kids Category:

Flashback to last fall. I just love this face! Jimmy has lost so much weight since September. Once he got mobile, the weight just came right off. I wish that would happen to me lol!

Make sure you head on over to I ♥ Faces to check out all the great pics!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Menu Plan Monday - 6/22

This week I am starting to plan our menus again, so I decided to join in Menu Plan Monday over at orgjunkie.com to help me be consistent. Make sure to go over and check out all the great meal ideas!

I am going to plan out all meals this week. I am doing Breakfasts and Lunches for the sake of my 18 month old Jimmy so I am not scrambling trying to figure something out at last minute and so we don't get stuck in a rut. I will try to link to the recipes I will be using, but I usually don't make them exactly as they appear. I try to make everything from scratch when possible and use the most natural ingredients I can.

Breakfast: Oatmeal with Blueberries
Lunch: Organic or All Natural Peanut Butter & Jelly (fruit only spread) & Carrots
Dinner: Zucchini Parmesan

Breakfast: Blueberry Muffins - These are delicious!!! We absolutely LOVE them! I change the recipe a little - substitute half or all of the flour with whole wheat flour, add some wheat germ in, use applesauce instead of oil. I also use brown sugar instead of white for the topping.
Lunch: Leftover Zucchini Parmesan
Dinner: Italian Breaded Tilapia

Breakfast: Oatmeal with Strawberries
Lunch: Grilled Cheese & Greenbeans
Dinner: Chicken Taco Soup in the Slow Cooker

Breakfast: Blueberry Muffins
Lunch: Leftover Chicken Taco Soup
Dinner: Potato Soup

Breakfast: Oatmeal with fruit
Lunch: Spinach & Cheddar Eggs
Dinner: Homemade Pizza

Breakfast: Blueberry Muffins
Lunch: Organic or All Natural Peanut Butter & Jelly (fruit only spread) & Carrots
Dinner: Grill out night

Breakfast: Eggs with Spinach & Cheddar
Lunch: Usually eat at the in-laws
Dinner: Leftovers

Ahhh, that feels good! Now lets hope I actually stick to it! Once it is "written down" it is so much easier. Why did I stop doing this again?? ;-)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to the Greatest Dad Ever!

My father has had to endure so much. The big things I can remember are him changing jobs and moving from Connecticut to Ohio when I was 8. Mom and my sister and brother and I lived in CT for oh...6 or 9 months while we waited for our house to sell and went to school, while my dad was working at his new job and finding our family a new home in Ohio. After that things seemed pretty quiet and "normal" until I was in 7th grade.

I remember my dad came home from work one night and said he had been laid off and was not going to be going back to work for a while. He looked for a job for a long time and finally found a sales job where he would work out of our home. That was pretty neat I thought. In the midst of this we ended up buying a cheaper house in the country and put our other house for sale. Well....the market was horrible back in 1995-96 I think it was, and we ended up owning 2 houses for 2 years! My dad ended up taking a second job working at Lowe's in the evenings to (help) be able to afford to feed our family and pay 2 mortgages. We finally moved into our farmhouse and then ended up moving again (within the same school district) the following spring to buy an even cheaper house to pay off some debt. Somewhere in there my dad lost his job again and then, praise the Lord, found another one relatively quickly. And during all of this, my mom became sick. My dad had to change jobs I think one more time (maybe 2?) and he is still at that last job today.

My father has had to deal with soo much more than I care to go into detail about, lots of money troubles and medical bills, etc, etc....and then my mom passing away. Not to mention a very defensive and headstrong daughter...ahem....but he has come through it all and is now enjoying being a new husband and grandfather. I really hope he is happy now, because I think he really deserves to finally be. He worked so hard to keep his family taken care of through all the ups and downs. And though I may never fully understand what all happened, I do understand that my dad is an amazing man, husband and father and I am truly blessed to have him in my life. Thank you for teaching me so much, I learned the value of a dollar and how to save up for something so I can buy it with CASH (a theory lost on many Americans these days) and am now very good at living frugally (but am learning to do better everyday). I love you Daddy!

Love, your Little Princess.

Dad & my stepmom Kathy with their 3 grandsons, all born in the same year!

Dad & Kathy & Jimmy on Halloween 2008

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Lila Kitty, was that you?

We had a couple kittens show up in our pasture by the creek the other day. I went over to look at them, to make sure they weren't our kittens, and they were not. They were definitely siblings, but one was a lot smaller than the other. The little one allowed me to pick it up, but the bigger one was a little more scared. I looked around for any sign of a mama cat, but didn't see her. If she was there she must have been hiding.

I walked away to see what they would do and the little kitten started toward the road. I know there are cats that live across the street so I thought that must be where they came from. I kept an eye on the kitties to make sure they wouldn't get hit by a car. Sure enough, they were right by the road, on the bridge when I heard a car. Little kitten was about to go into the road so I ran over and scooped him up. The bigger kitten got scared of me and stayed off the road. I stood there while the car passed then put the little kitten down and backed away again. They finally made it across the bridge and street and went down into the grassy ditch.

I walked back toward the house and looked back to make sure they hadn't popped back up on the road when I saw the mama cat! Thank goodness! She grabbed the little kitten and the bigger one followed and the disappeared into the cornfield, on their way to the neighbors house as I had assumed. I wasn't close enough to be be able to tell, but the mama cat looked a lot like our cat Lila (Oreo's sister) that disappeared last year. Though wouldn't she have come out to greet me if it was her? hmmm...

This is the only decent pic I have with Lila in it.
She is the brownish thing "above" Duke's head (can you tell Gunner is a bit nosey, but he likes other animals).

Here is a pic of Oreo & our horse Gunner for your visual enjoyment....

Friday, June 19, 2009

Happy VGNO!

It's that time again! Time for Virtual Girls Night Out, hosted by the wonderful Ann at Ann Again... and Again. It is a night full of pj wearing, blog hopping, new friend meeting, blog buddy chatting, game playing fun!

I am a bit late tonight, hubby and I were outside playing cornhole again....I didn't win, boooo! I actually came close though!

Anyway, Ann has a question for us tonight....have we ever been told we look like someone famous? Well.....my mom used to say that I had Brooke Shields eyebrows....then I plucked them....but a lot of people have said that I look like Martina McBride, the country singer, especially when we both had short hair. I am not sure I see it, but I will take it, because she is just gorgeous! Here is a video in her honor =) I have to post the link because embedding is disabled, so check it out! The song has a great message!

Martina McBride - Ride

Well, that is all I have for tonight, gonna call it a night, I am tired! Will catch up tomorrow, hope everyone has a great VGNO!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thankful Thursday - My Mom

FYI - This is a long post about my mom's journey through Alzheimer's Disease. It has been 3 years since she passed away. Here is some of what I can remember. Thank you for taking the time to read some, if not all of it.

I am Thankful for my Mom. She was an amazing woman who loved the Lord with all her heart. She stood up for what she believed and taught her children well. She taught us to love nature and animals. She passed on her love of birds, gardening, reading and craftiness among many other things. We all used to love to go camping as a family (well, except my brother, he was too old by then, already in college). I even recently discovered that she was kind of a FlyBaby (FlyLady.net) as she used an index card, daily, weekly, monthly cleaning schedule like in the book Sidetracked Home Executives (which I found in my bookcase a couple months ago!). She is the sole reason I wanted to be a stay at home mom, she was the best example of one I have ever seen! =)

She even went so far as to protest the teaching of sex-ed to mixed classes (boys & girls) when I was in 4th & 5th grade. Yep, that's when they started teaching us, but I was actually sick that whole week in 4th grade, she didn't even know about it until afterward! She managed to get separated classes, at least for a while. I remember in 5th grade having only girls in my class. Though once we got to middle school (6, 7 & 8th grade) they were mixed classes again so she pulled me out of them. By the time I got to 8th grade, I was homeschooled and we were moving to the "country."

Mom homeschooled my sister and I when I was in 8th & 9th grade (sis was in 5th & 6th). Then right before my sister & I were to start school in our new rural school district, the fall of 1997, my mom had a grand-mal seizure. The doctors wrote it off as epilepsy, but she was never the same after that. She went downhill. She started forgetting things and losing weight. She was no longer fit to drive.

By the time I graduated HS in 2000, mom was needing help getting dressed and I helped her color her hair.

A sidenote: I didn't get my driver's license until the fall/winter after I graduated HS. Since my mom couldn't drive and my dad worked 2 jobs, I didn't have anyone to teach me. Enter Jim (now hubby) my senior year of HS. He taught me to drive the summer after we graduated. I had to get rides to college for the first semester, but I was driving our big old conversion van to school in January! Thanks hubby for teaching me =).

When I was in my second year of college my sister went to Peru as an exchange student and mom kept forgetting where she was. Then my sister came back for her senior year in 2002-2003 and had to come home at lunch to check on my mom because she had started wandering out of the house and was forgetting to eat. I was still living at home but was working as I had just graduated from a 2 year college.

At some point my dad realized just how bad mom was when my neighbors mentioned seeing her down the street looking confused. I remember coming home from work one day after I had gotten Duke, when he was just about 8-10 weeks old, and my neighbor came over and warned me that my mom had said my dog was dead. He wasn't trying to scare me, just prepare me in case. I was scared to look, but went inside and Duke was fine. We came to the conclusion that my mom had been talking about her dog KC, a cute little West Highland White Terrier. He had passed away a couple months before I got Duke so she must have been flashing back or something. I also remember one day walking into the living room & she was holding Duke UPSIDE DOWN! I got so upset, I thought she would drop him on his head! So Dad decided that she needed constant supervision. My grandparents started helping out. On my way to work I took mom to her parents' house a day or 2 a week, my dad's parent's came over to watch her 2 days a week and then dad had his home office day on Fridays. We did this for a while. At some point we started taking her to an adult day care once of twice a week when it got to be too much for my grandparents. My poor Opa (mom's dad) had a very hard time watching his little girl deteriorate before his eyes. He passed away Thanksgiving morning of 2005 from a heart attack. We all think it was in part because he couldn't take seeing my mom the way she was.

Mom went to live in a nursing home right before Christmas that year, where she deteriorated faster than ever. I hated it. I wanted to be able to quit working and stay home with her but dad wouldn't have it. I had even started being a Mary Kay consultant the year before to try to be able to earn enough money to quit my job and stay home. But that didn't pan out.... I am just not a people person, I tried really hard for a while but just gave up. I tried to get over to visit my mom at least once a week. It was hard because at that time I was working a TON of overtime, sometimes until 7 at night. I really wish I could have visited her more. I felt so bad for her being there, she was just so confused and out of it. Everytime I left I wished I could just bring her home. She was in the Dementia/Alzheimer's ward at that point. The doctors had decided a while prior that what she had was some sort of global Dementia, but definitely NOT Alzheimer's. Well, mom had a rough time in the dementia ward, she got weaker and weaker and stopped eating well so they ended up moving her out to the "regular" part of the nursing home. She had a bad fall at one point and hit her head pretty good. She had horrible bruises on her face and I still think it had to do with neglect. But we never looked into that. I became friends with one of the nurses assistants and she started keeping an eye on mom. Because mom wasn't eating so well, Mom was put on an IV and no solids at one point. Her mouth was very dry and you could tell she really wanted something to eat. With my RNA's help, we snuck her some sherbet. Mom gobbled it up! I forget what all happened, but after that Mom was put back on "regular" food. She did well for a while, but then something happened, I think another fall, this time really bad (no breaks or anything, but hit her head). The details are so blurry! I think that was when she was put in hospice for some therapy and one-on-one help. With the intention that she would go back to the nursing home when she was better.

Well, she never got better from that last incident. I don't know all the right terminology (my sis would, she is a nurse!) but mom fell into an unresponsive state. Not really a coma because she would make noises and move her eyes. But she could not move. We had discussed a feeding tube and decided against it after much research and seeing others with them. No, we did not want to drag it out. Mom was clearly not going to get better and at the end we were just praying that God would take her home! And that He did.

Mom was 55 years young and passed away after a 9 year battle with early onset Alzheimer's. Like I mentioned before, the doctors had told us it was a form of dementia but was definitely NOT Alzheimer's. Well, after mom passed they determined that she had 3 times the "normal" level of plaque build up, which determines it IS Alzheimer's, in her brain. For more information about Alzheimer's Disease, please visit the Alzheimer's Association website. One other little tidbit that I find very interesting about all this is that when I was in third grade, we had to do reports on diseases. I think we randomly chose them. I had to do mine on, you guessed it, Alzheimer's. Kind of ironic, you think??

I was 24 when Mom passed away. It was a rough time, but I am so very Thankful for my faith in God. It is probably the only thing that got me through. I have heard of so many people losing loved ones and really changing for the worse. But I never felt that. I always had comfort knowing that my mom was going to go home to Heaven and God was going to take care of everything. I know some of you reading this, if you made it this far, do not believe in God and think I am silly. But I know Him and have personally experienced His love for me firsthand. All Christians have because of their belief that Jesus died to cleanse them of their sins so they may enter Heaven. I am really bad at putting this stuff into words, I know how I feel in my heart though. I just have this peace, always have since even before Mom passed, and it can only come from God. Mom passing away only strengthened my faith and I am so thankful for that. The book of Job in the bible was a huge influence on me. Job lost his entire family and everything he had, but never once turned his back on God. It really helped me to see that there are others way worse off than me. And the fact that my mom loved the Lord so very much helped me know that she would be in Heaven waiting to be reunited with her earthly family one day.

I love you Mom and miss you so very much! Thank you for all that you did and for raising us the wonderful way you did. I am sorry if I gave you a hard time during those rough "tween" years. Luckily I had to grow up and never was a selfish (though I had my moments) teenager. Because of you I didn't have time, nor the interest, to get into too much trouble. =)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wordless Wednesday


After:Ahhh! So much better =) (the cushions on the window seat are new, I finally found some I liked!)

Climbing on the Couch

Uh oh! Jimmy FINALLY figured out how to climb up on the couch all by himself! He has been getting up there when someone is sitting there, kind of using them as a support to help pull himself up. But today look what I found:

He has "that look" on his face, lol. Ahh...my little sweet baby is growing up!

Monday, June 15, 2009


I am in a kind of funk.....nothing to write, don't feel inspired....I have been TRYING to work on the post about my mom coming up in a couple days, so its bringing back lots of memories. But I am having a hard time figuring out what to write. I feel ok about it, it is just hard to put into words what all happened, I don't want to bore anyone with mundane details! And I just feel blah in general. I have actually been feeling like that for weeks now, but have been trying to get past it. I am trying to get into a nice daily routine, and today was a bit better, but I keep finding myself spending too much time online playing dumb, mindless, facebook games. I am still working outside in the garden and such, but I have been avoiding the blogging world a little bit. Hopefully by next week I will be back in the swing of things, I miss the level of involvement I have had in the past, but I gotta get things squared away here first! Plus summer does bring about more work to be done AND hubby is home more because track season is FINALLY over (he coaches HS track - throwing). Anyway...I am rambling....I gotta get to bed. I will be lurking around and hopefully get more social again soon! Thanks to all my loyal readers out there, I really appreciate you! More posts soon I hope! =)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Skywatch Friday #48

Photos from a storm we had a couple weeks ago. The clouds were so smooth and there were tornado watches and warnings in the surrounding area. None in my town thank goodness, but the sky was pretty neat!

Wanna see more? Check out Skywatch Friday.
Click their logo or the link for more awesome skies!

VGNO - Sassy Sue

It's that time again! Time for Virtual Girls Night Out, hosted by the wonderful Ann at Ann Again... and Again. It is a night full of pj wearing, blog hopping, new friend meeting, blog buddy chatting, game playing fun!

Here is Ann's party game:

Time For A Party Game

"If I Were A Pink Lady..."

Let's get our Pink Lady jackets and sew on our new names. My name starts with an 'A' so my Pink Lady name is Sassy Sue. Follow the chart to find your Pink Lady name.

A - D = Sassy Sue
E - H = Blogger Babe
I - L = Smokin' Molly
M - P = Naughty Nancy
Q - T = Hot Rod Helen
U - Z = Greased Lightning Gertie

Now for a video of a song that I am totally loving right now! It totally makes me cry!

I hope you all have a great weekend, happy VGNO!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I am so Thankful for everyone who prayed and/or donated money for sweet little Claire, the total needed has been met and surpassed! Thanks to everyone for your help and please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers as she has a long road ahead.

I am Thankful that I finally got my garden finished yesterday morning, and that little Jimmy slept in enough for me to be able to finish it! I made myself get up when Jim left for work at 6-6:15am. I love the feeling of accomplishment, now if only I could make that happen more often... ;-)

I am Thankful for the rain we are getting today, maybe it will boost the growing of said planted garden since I finished it so late!

Do you have something to be Thankful for? Let everyone know about it! Just enter your name or name of your blog and add the link to your specific Thankful Thursday post (not your blog's homepage please!) Also, please add the Thankful Thursday logo or link to my blog in your post. Have fun and thanks for joining me!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Sad story: Hubby was mowing until dark and didn't see the bunny nest.... and made this bunny an orphan, got his mommy and siblings =( But this little guy was unharmed!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Our Weekend in Pictures

We had a pretty busy weekend. Friday I took Jimmy to a local dairy farm that sells ice cream and has a petting area where you can feed the goats and baby cows. They also have games like putt-putt and batting cages. It is open to the public and a wonderful place for the family to visit. Anyway, we met my good friend Joy Marie for lunch (they also have a restaurant). We had a wonderful time! Jimmy loved all the animals and the old tractors they have set up for kids to play on. Here is a pic of Jimmy and his lovely "Auntie" Joy:

Jimmy and the ducks:
Jimmy really liked this cow (though he doesn't really look too thrilled in this pic! lol)

Then later on Friday afternoon/evening we spent some time in our barn with daddy.

On the 4-wheeler:
Playing with the kittens:
Look! Kitty in a bucket!And Kitty on the gate (he looks REALLY happy, lol):

Daddy took Jimmy for a ride in the wheelbarrow:

That didn't last too long, so then Daddy showed Jimmy his own wheelbarrow and they pushed them around, except Jimmy didn't quite get that he was supposed to lift the handles, so he was trying to push and it was not moving very well.

Then Jimmy found an old corn stalk and proceeded to drag it around for at least 20 minutes! Ahhh, I love how easily amused he is =)

Saturday wasn't too eventful, Jim got his tags for the new truck and our roofer came and worked on the roof. I went over to Angie's house for a bit to "help" with the chicken coop for these guys (who are a bit larger now). Then we went to a graduation party. After we got home and the baby was in bed, Jim and I went out the barn and played a game of cornhole. I got my rear kicked. I am not very good at it, but that's ok, its fun!

Sunday we went to the dairy again! This time it was with Daddy for his company picnic. They have it there every year and it is a blast! I mean, who can pass up free food and free games?? Though we didn't do any of the games this year, gotta wait till Jimmy is older. So we went and saw the animals again =)

Mama and baby goat. Awwww!

And this goat:

Hmmm...I think I have seen this kid before (no pun intended lol!)
and Jimmy "drove" the tractor again:
So, that was our weekend, along with a lot of working outside and some mowing. And now it is Monday night and I am off to bed!