I am Thankful for the awesome weather we are having!!! Oh praise the Lord, it just makes me feel SO much better! I have been in the worst funk since our dog Duke died and then winter was just horrible for me. I have not had it diagnosed or anything, but I am pretty sure I suffer from that Seasonal Affective Disorder. That or I just really get the winter blues, I never feel like doing much of anything and don't have any energy. It really stinks. I need my sunlight!! And now I have it, yay! It got up into the 70's yesterday and is supposed to reach close to 80 today!! And tomorrow...oh, its supposed to get into the 80's, I can't believe it!!
And with this nice, lovely weather comes something else I am very thankful for...my spring flowers, trees and bushes are starting to sprout and bud! The birds are singing, the robins are hopping around looking for worms, the sun is shining and the horses and animals are frolicking. Oh spring, how I love thee!
1 comment:
We are loving the Spring weather, too! We had 8 gloriously warm April days, and then 1 not so nice one! It's warming back up again, luckily! I love seeing everything in bloom and turning green.
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