I highly recommend teaching baby sign language to your little one, it is so much fun and it is just so cute when they start doing it back to you! It can also be a huge help if they get hurt and you don't see it happen because if they know the "pain" sign (tap your two index fingers together over the area of pain) they can show you where it hurts. It also helps lessen frustration when they want or need something (which means less crying!) because they can tell you what they need, such as to eat, drink, have milk, have a diaper change, etc. So get to your library and check out this book!
My sister taught her twins to sign when they were babies too. It is such a great way to communicate with them when they are so little.
Hope to SEE you tonight at VGNO!
Signing is fantastic. The only real way for us to communicate with our son.
That is so awesome! Happy VGNO!
What do you use to teach baby sign? I'd love to teach my 2 year old and my baby.
How's about a bloggy tutorial!
Happy VGNO!
I was born with a severe profound hearing loss. One of these days I'll post my hearing test just to show everyone the extent of it.
Anyhow, my family refused to learn how to sign or anything. While I'm grateful for being able to speak and communicate with hearing people, there have been many frustrations over the years because I am not always able to understand what is going on.
As an adult, I learned to sign. I love it. And it has been amazing over the last several years as I've noticed the growing number of HEARING parents teaching their HEARING children how to sign. I think it's GREAT because communication barriers are being broken down, and these kids are going to be able to communicate a whole different level, as long as you keep it up (don't give it up when he learns to talk at a more frequent level) and if he ever meets a deaf kid, he'll be able to help them because he can sign too. :)
So kudos to you!
He's adorable. Look at those cheecks. Glad you are teaching him that. They learn so quick at that age.
Stopping in from VGNO
I'm stopping in from VGNO. I really love that idea. Look at his sweet face. I've always wanted to learn sign language. How wonderful your little one is learning it so young!
One day i will be a sign language interpreter. I highly suggest that you teach your little one sign language also.
Awww! That pic is so precious!
This came after my kids were little but my nephews learned SL and did very well with it.
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