I posted this on my other blog, The Frugal Country Mom a few weeks ago. There is a powdered detergent recipe posted there as well as the liquid, for those interested!
Looking for a low cost laundry detergent? Worried about allergies to perfumes or dyes? Is it environmentally friendly, and is it low-sudsing for high-efficiciency front loading washers? Try this detergent! I use it for everything from daddy's really stinky socks to the baby's clothes. It's great and best of all CHEAP!
Liquid Laundry Detergent
3 pints water
1/3 bar Fels Naptha soap, grated
1/2 cup Super Washing Soda
1/2 cup 20 Mule Team Borax
2-gallon bucket
1 quart hot water
Mix grated Fels Naptha Laundry Bar Soap in a large pot with 3 pints hot water and heat on the stove over low heat until dissolved. Do not allow to boil. Stir in Super Washing Soda and Borax. Stir until thickened. Remove from heat. Add 1 quart hot water to your 2-gallon bucket. Add soap mixture, and mix well. Fill up bucket with some additional hot water, leaving a few inches at the top, and mix well. Set aside for 24 hours, or until mixture thickens. If it gets too thick, just run a hand mixer through it to loosen it up. Use 1/2 cup of mixture per load. Note: This recipe multiplies well, but you’ll need a 5-gallon bucket.
Storage: I keep mine in an old laundry detergent bottle. Depending on the size of the bottle you will probably need 2 if large, or more if they are the new smaller bottles. Use a funnel to pour the detergent into the spout. Then make sure you shake it up each time you need to use it, as it tends to get thick again and separate a little.
(I got these recipes from my sister, but I believe they can also be found at everydaycheapskate.com)
Happy Washing!
Yay! How long have you been using this now? We're past 2 years, and I STILL love it. In fact, I think we need to make more this week. It has lasted me 3 months, even with the increase in laundry load from the new baby
wow- I really like this idea- where do you get the stuff to make it? am i living under a rock or what????
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